

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Working Out The Mind.

My mind needs more exercise than my body! My mind needs constant challenge constant changing and constant growth.  For me my physicality is and has been used as an excuse to not expand my mind, to rely on my look and presence as to not have to engage in challenging situations or conversations.
 Today my mind leads the way as I am confident not arrogant with my ability to have meaningful conversation with my fellows and business associates. They tell us in our literature that we used to lead with our chin, well today with constant work and growth I lead with my mind not my chin.
 See with constant work and A willingness to remain teachable I have evolved into a complete human being that is focused on growth and helping others. We know that our purpose on earth is to be of maximum service to others but that is not possible without the willingness to do the work to be that person! Are you doing the work? Are you challenged daily mentally and physically and if so do you face them or settle? For me I refuse to be that old me ever again,  challenges are welcomed with determination and hard work, I always say to people you may have more natural talent than me more money more this or that but you will not out work me. My work ethic is like no other you have ever seen, I was not blessed with financial security or family help and love what I have today is because my faith in a higher power and the man I have become is because of my HIGHER POWER and the work he guided me to do and then I was blessed with a family and love! I am purely driven to be a man of love a friend a father a husband,  all if these are learned not given, I have worked at being this man, it was not and is not easy but it is worth every minute. I have found my purpose,  my why! All by challenging my mind! I will live to my full potential. I am powerful, not ego driven I am god driven it is necessary!  I will not settle for my past I am blessed to live for today!

1 comment:

  1. another one out of the Park Mike.... love you and your Blog!

    the essence of Recovery in not that many words,awesome!
